The Church
of Christ
and the "church" of the evildoers
The program for the construction of
Global Religion
This publication contains two main themes:
1. Globalization of the church. The program to
build the new-testament Babylonian tower = the church of
the antichrist = the Babylonian whore = the PAN-heresy
of ecumenism.
The PAN-heresy of Ecumenism exists officially - since
- since then is its official birth and existence in the
world. Since then she acts and sows satanic seduction
and destruction of men globally.
2. ANATHEMA on the PAN-heresy of ecumenism.
In detail these same themes follow:
The program
to build the new-testament Babylonian tower = the church
of the antichrist = the Babylonian whore = the
PAN-heresy of ecumenism.
Officially the
PAN-heresy of ecumenism emerges in
The organized masoning of Global
religion of the upcoming antichrist begins even
millennia ago. However, the official start point of the
masoning=creation of this new Babylonian pillar the
masons put in January 1920 when they issue a Patriarchal
Encyclical, in which they publish The program
to build the new-testament Babylonian tower = the church
of the antichrist = the Babylonian whore = the
PAN-heresy of ecumenism.
This is an officially
published heresy. And
according to the God-inspired Canons of the Holy
Orthodox Church - from the moment a Hierarch officially
preaches or publishes heresy in writing, then every
Christian who values his salvation must cease communion
with this hierarch-heretic - even before his conciliar
condemnation and by such termination of communion the
Christian not only will not be a schismatic nor is
subject of penance, but rather will deserve the honor of
Orthodox. This is clearly and precisely written in rule
15 of the Double Council of Constantinople
because, as says God the Holy Spirit Himself through the
Holy Fathers who wrote down the rule:
- they (who have withdrawn themselves from communion)
have condemned not bishops, but false bishops and false
teachers, and have not sundered the unity of the Church
with any schism, but have struggled to rescue the Church
from schisms and divisions.
The Encyclical issued in 1920 by the
Ecumenical Patriarchate is the first officially
published document issued by a local Orthodox Church,
setting forth The program to build the
new-testament Babylonian tower = the church of the
antichrist = the Babylonian whore = the PAN-heresy of
This is a major constitutional document. Here we shall
mention only some points in order to be felt the evil
spirit by which were moved the "bishops" who issued it.
Constantinople Church unto the churches of Christ
Our own Church holds that
rapprochement between the various Christian
and religious communion among
them is not excluded by the dogmatic
differences which exist among
them. In our opinion such a rapprochement and
communion is highly desirable and
necessary. It would be useful in many ways for the real
interest of each particular church and of the whole
Christian body, and also for the preparation and
advancement of that blessed union which will be
completed in the future in accordance with the will of
(Note! What the
ecumenists have written here in the introduction to the
program is complete fulfillment of the prediction which
the Holy Spirit gives through St.Seraphim of Sarov more
than a century ago:
"There will come a time when under the pretext of full
Christian progress, in pleasing to the requirements of
this world, they will change and pervert the dogmas and
statutes of the Holy Church - forgetting that they
originate from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.")
After this essential re-establishment of sincerity and
confidence among the churches, we consider, secondly,
that above all, love should be rekindled and
strengthened among the churches, so that they should no
more consider one another as strangers and foreigners,
but as relatives, and as being a part of the household
of Christ and “fellow heirs, members of the same body
and partakers of the promise of God in Christ”
In our opinion, such a friendship and kindly disposition
towards each other can be shown and demonstrated
particularly in the following ways:
a) By the acceptance of a
uniform calendar for the celebration of the great
Christian feasts at the same time by all the Churches.
b) By the exchange of brotherly
letters on the occasion of the great feasts of the
Churches’ year as is customary,
and on other exceptional occasions.
c) By close relationships between
the representatives of all Churches
wherever they may be.
By relationships between the theological schools and the
professors of theology; by the exchange of theological
and ecclesiastical reviews, and of other works published
in each church.
e) By exchanging students for
further training among the seminaries of the different
f) By convoking pan-Christian
conferences in order to examine questions of common
interest to all the churches.
By impartial and only historical
study of dogmatic differences
both in oral and written speeches.
(Note! See
above the precise fulfillment of the prediction of the
Holy Spirit through St.Seraphim of Sarov about the
dogmas of the Holy Orthodox Faith!)
h) By mutual respect for the
customs and practices in different churches.
By allowing each other the use of chapels and cemeteries
for the funerals and burials of believers of other
confessions dying in foreign lands,
By the settlement of the question of mixed marriages
among the confessions.
Lastly, by wholehearted mutual assistance for the
churches in their endeavours for religious advancement,
charity and so on. Such a sincere and close contact
among the churches will be all the more useful and
profitable for the whole body of the Church,
because manifold dangers threaten not only particular
churches, but all of them.
In the Patriarchate of Constantinople the month of
January in the year of salvation 1920.
There follow the
signatures of twelve metropolitans of the synod.
of this vile and
abominable Encyclical consist in the following:
1. For
the first time in the history of the Church the
communities of the heretics are officially named
individual Churches and all together with the Orthodox
believers are called Christian body. That is, truth is
equated with falsehood, Christ with the devil.
2. For the first time in the
history of the Church there is set an aim on the part of
the Orthodox to seek cooperation on the ecclesiastical
level with heretics who, according to the Saints, are
enemies of Christ and the Church.
(Note! The icon
of the Mother of God "Progovorivshaya" ("Which Spoke")
at the invasion of the papists in the Holy Mountain and
particularly in the monastery Zograf, said about those
heretics "here come the enemies of my Son and my
3. For the first time in the
history of the Church the orthodox call the heretics
fellow heirs of the promise of God and accept them as
one body in Christ.
4. Fundamentally are distorted
both the Holy Scripture and the Sacred Tradition, the
Sacred Canons and the teaching of the Saints themselves
as the heretics are placed in a completely different
In addition it is proved that the
change of the calendar has not been done for the sake of
reaching astronomical accuracy in it, but had purely
religious character, namely - attraction for the sake of
common celebration with the heretics – in order to
compound with them.
Thus, all the points that are
indicated in the encyclical, i.e. the exchange of
studying youth, the mutual fellowship of theologians and
theological schools, the general congresses, the
exchange of chapels etc. are indeed demonic, and today
we already see how this merger with the West has changed
the Orthodox Holy Tradition.
A simple proof of this is the
Protestant way of thinking and theology that reign today
and in which students are trained at the so-called
"orthodox" theological schools.
This heretical encyclical not only has not been
canceled, but on the contrary, the bishops ecumenists
burn and endeavor with the zeal and spirit of those who
composed it.
This program was carried out to the letter in recent
decades, and even in most cases, as we see, the bishops
ecumenists have done even significantly more than what
was outlined in it.
It is clear to all that this is a program to build the
universal religion designed to be headed by the
antichrist who is propagated by his immediate prophet
and forerunner the Roman Pope (Rev.19:20). Yet the
Genuine Orthodox Church for decades has fought to bring
to their senses and turn to repentance false-bishops and
false-priests, naming themselves "orthodox", who with
zeal build this church of the antichrist. This struggle
to convert and bring to repentance these antichrist
activists can not be described by any historian - it is
simply impossible - not tons of literature would
accommodate it. In return to the struggle of the Genuine
Orthodox Hierarchs and Priests for their conversion -
the heretics ecumenists respond with cruel
victimizations - persecutions, prisons, concentration
camps, killings, destruction of the whole life of the
Genuine Priests and Hierarchs, and also of the laity.
It's just amazing to see how the heretics ecumenists:
a) On the one hand constantly
talk about love of the neighbor
b) On the other hand constantly subject the Genuine
Orthodox to all sorts of cruelties.
This is unexampled hypocrisy on the part of the heretics
ecumenists! They declared their enemies only the Genuine
Orthodox - they have no other enemies. All the rest -
both sectarians and heretics and idolaters and open
satanists - they are all brothers for the heretics
ecumenists falsely naming themselves "orthodox." And
they hug them, kissing them ostentatiously before the
cameras and without cameras - such ostentatious love
continually manifested especially in front of the lenses
of photo and video cameras. And the only people who the
ecumenists hate to death - these are the Genuine
Orthodox - only them they subject to all kinds and most
inventive persecutions.
Particularly active in the fight
against the heresy was Metropolitan Philaret Voznesenski,
the third Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church
Abroad. He wrote epistles to the heads of the local
churches with exhortations to renounce the heresy of
ecumenism and in many other ways struggled for the
salvation of their souls.
In the end, when it is finally
impossible to expect repentance from the heretics
ecumenists, a whole 63 years after the official
emergence of the pan-heresy of ecumenism (in 1920), God
subjects to anathema the global religion of the
antichrist - through the Council of the Bishops of the
Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, which took place in 1983
under the presidency of Metropolitan Philaret
Bishop Philaret, an example of
confession of the Holy Orthodox Faith, after his death,
is endowed by God with holiness and incorruptibility of
holy relics - a special sign of God! The uncovering of
the incorrupt relics of the Saint occurred on October 28
/ November 10, 1998 in Jordanville, "Holy Trinity"
Monastery, USA. The relics of the Saint Bishop Philaret
are preserved completely incorrupt, as well as the
Bishop vestment, everything, even the paper with the
prayer of absolution - regardless of the fact that the
burial was at a rather humid place.
But very soon after the
uncovering of the incorrupt relics of the Saint
Hierarch, a vandal act of fight against God is done: The
heretic ecumenist "archbishop" Laurus, in a fit of
madness (there is no other way to qualify this act of
his Psal.13:1) decided to prevent God from
testifying before mankind for His Divine favor to Saint
Bishop Philaret - and for this purpose Laurus again
buries the Holy Relics - so that there is no access of
the faithful for veneration, and also to not be seen the
miracle of God. Before he did that, at the vigil had
come many clergy and laity (about 400 people traveled to
Jordanville specifically for veneration), despite their
entreaties and protests, Laurus did not allow them to
pay veneration to the relics, and after that "hid" the
miracle of God, and strictly forbade telling about it,
and also strictly ordered NOT to distribute the
photographs of the incorruptible Relics of the Saint
Bishop Philaret. For this insane act of his of fight
against God the heretic ecumenist "archbishop" Laurus
(apparently forgetting that there is a God Psal.13:1)
awaits God's judgment over him - and it will not be late
for God cannot be mocked (Gal.6:7)! And the pan-heresy
of ecumenism is submitted to condemnation so:
Anathema against the pan-heresy of
ecumenism, proclaimed by the
Russian Orthodox Church Abroad
in 1983, under the presidency of
metropolitan Philaret Voznesenski (Among the Saints:
in 1998 has been disclosed his relics and proved that
God has bestowed to St. Philaret incorruption)
„To those who attack the Church of Christ by teaching
that Christ's Church is divided
into so-called "branches" which differ in doctrine and
way of life, or that the Church does not exist visibly,
but will be formed in the future when all "branches" or
sects or denominations, and even
religions, will be united into one body;
and who do not distinguish the priesthood and mysteries
of the Church from those of the heretics, but say that
the baptism and eucharist of heretics is effectual for
salvation; therefore, to those who knowingly have
communion with these aforementioned heretics or who
advocate, disseminate, or defend their new heresy of
Ecumenism under the pretext of brotherly love or the
supposed unification of separated Christians:
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