The Church
of Christ
and the "church" of the evildoers
_________ part 3 _________
How the coming of the
will be carried out
The antichrist will establish his power on three
pillars: Politics, Economy, Religion. That is, even
before the Antichrist shall appear, the organization
which is preparing his advent - the world masonry - will
create three world sub-organizations:
If necessary we could through a detailed analysis
doubtlessly ascertain, that:
Global Politics
already exists. The examples are many. There is not
enough place in this short work to cite all of them. We
shall quote only the following: the new passports of
the states serve the world police - an organ of the
Global Politics.
Global Economy
- also exists - there is a world MONETARY UNIT! Which?
It is not the dollar (for it is only of the US) and not
the euro (for it is only of Europe). The international
money is the ELECTRONIC INFORMATION, and the coin is -
the electronic UNIT. All the banks in the world are
connected in a network, and operate within this monetary
logically the third one - the
Global Religion
also exists! Yes, it does! The Global Religion is
called the “PAN- heresy of ecumenism”. They have
created one Global Religion. The unity of all the
heresies, of all non-christian religions – the
restoration of the Tower of Babel (Gen.11:4-9).
The program for the construction of this Global
Religion is officially published nearly a century
ago - in 1920 by the Patriarchate of Constantinople.
The compilers of this
program for the construction of Global Religion
placed as a first point of its performance: "perception
of a common calendar for the celebration of the
great Christian festivals together with all the
churches" - and at this point with the name "all the
churches" they labeled all the heresies .
In 1924 the builders of this new Tower of Babel
(Bitie.11: 4-9) fulfilled the first point of their
program: The new calendar was accepted by the State
Church of Greece and the Patriarchate of Constantinople,
and then followed them other state churches - and so
they also fell into the pan-heresy of ecumenism =
religion of the Antichrist. Bulgarian state church
accepted the new (papal) calendar in 1968 and also fell
into this heresy - last and most destructive of all the
To the
Global Religion
there belong all the human religions, which the fallen
man has invented after he separated himself from God and
lost the knowledge of the Truth, there belong all the
“churches” which are cut from the Vine Jesus Christ. To
this Global Religion belongs also the new calendar
ecumenistic “church”. All these have common religious
life, common rites, common liturgies.
Their unity is no more pursued - it already
exists! It is a reality!
It is expressed in these common rites, common
liturgies, common religious life...
For example, the participation of Christodulus,
former “bishop” of Demetriade and present
“archbishop” of all the new-calendarists
(ecumenists) of Greece, in the World Council of
Churches (which is the official name of the
Global Religion - the PAN-heresy of ecumenism),
where he headed a delegation, as an official
representative of the Greek church, leading up
to the shrine of heresy all the supposed
“orthodox” greeks, who venerate and glorify him
as their religious leader. |
In the text that will follow, we will give a couple of
examples, only informatively without details. It is
impossible for us to describe the whole having evolved
in the course of decades religious life of the
PAN-heresy of ecumenism, moreover in an investigation of
such a little volume. Let the one who wants to learn
more, read the work of the monk Jacob “Philimata Yiuda”
(The kisses of Judas) - over 300 pages, “The Godless
Dogma of the Ecumenism” - about 300 pages, the journal
“St. Agathangelos of Esphigmenou”...
The events cited there are known.
i-230814 001 In the text which follows there are also
photos which are extracted from the official TV
broadcasts of different countries all over the world.
They are not so well known in Greece and the
rest of the orthodox countries, because they are
not shown there in order to prevent the orthodox
from realizing the deception, lest they should
be outraged and go out of the delusion and
deadliest nets of ecumenism.
In the other countries the heretics and non-christians
rejoice at seeing them.
We shall quote only two most characteristic examples of
joint liturgies. They clearly show that
- the Global Religion is not in the process of
building -
but has already been built - already lives
and functions!
There, in these joint mixed liturgies the liturgical
life - common to all the sub-religions which compose
this Global Religion, is EXPRESSED, finds a real
expression - i.e.:
- This Global Religion IS what you see!
-These examples give us an idea of it and
a chance to observe and realize, that simply -
SUCH IT IS, this religion, and SUCH IS ALSO its life!
Particularly typical of these joint liturgies is that
they usually begin with OPEN PAGANISM - a ritual
invocation of the impure spirits - that they come and
“bless” and “sanctify” the liturgy and all who are
taking part in it. Really, every normal person will at
a glance comprehend, that this not only is not blessing
and sanctification, but exactly the opposite: pollution
and curse.
In these joint liturgies there take part representatives
of the new calendar “church” of Greece, of the Moscow
Patriarchate and all the local official orthodox
churches, or we’d better say, the calling themselves
“orthodox”. The calling themselves “orthodox” in the
same way as the rest of the present are accepting
heathen “sanctifications” and “blessings”. These are
different types of shamanism, ancient magic and various
other kinds of open paganism and satanism.
The Global Religion uses such terms, that impart a more
or less “scientific” ring both to the religion itself as
an organization, and to the celebrations (congregations)
it organizes: “World Council of Churches”... “The 6-th
General Assembly of the World Council of Churches”...
yet the performed there shaman rites and the
inter-religious babble and chaos in contrast with their
names, have no scientific appearance.
i-230716 003 The joint relgious celebration in
Vancuver, Canada, in August, 1983, began with a
“holy” fire and an Indian shamanic ritual,
invoking the filthy spirits to come and “bless”
and “sanctify” the liturgy and all the
The Indians put up a totem with an image of the
deity - patron of their tribe. |
i-230716 004
A Judaic rabbi preaching about the unity between the
Jews and the Christians.
The calling themselves “orthodox” listeners of this
sermon obviously do not object as if it were possible to
have IDEOLOGICAL unity between: |
1) those who crucified The Christ and deny that
He is The Christ
and 2) themselves, who as if accept that He is
The Christ - and accordingly call themselves “christians”,
“orthodox” in addition, as if they worshipped
Him and not His crucifiers and their sham christ
- the antichrist!
Entrance with
the Evangelion –
- a part of the very liturgy.
At the head of the procession a basket with loaves of
bread is carried, which symbolize, or, to be more
precise, REPLACE the holy communion - the Body of Our
Lord Jesus Christ,
most accurate - just mock
the Sacred,
make theatre of it! |
Behind the basket there is carried the Evangelion.
It is being carried by the orthodox, or rather,
calling himself “orthodox” bishop of Toronto
Sotirius from the Constantinopolean Patriarchate
of the new calendar “church”. |
i-230716 006 “bishop” Sotirius of Toronto, of the
Constantinopolitan Patriarchate of the new calendar
“church”, is “blessing” with the Gospel the participants
of the
“metropolitan” Chrisostomos, of
the Constantinopolitan
Patriarchate of the new calendar
“church” performs the “breaking
of the bread” for the ecumenical
With this mockery, with this send-up they have
replaced the Holiest Sacred Service, which in
the Orthodox Liturgy is performed at the
exclamation “Let us attend! Holy of Holies!” - a
sacrilegious theatre made of the Sacred -
EXTREME of the impiety. |
i-230716 008 And this is - “psalmody” of
the motley-spiritual liturgy!... This
is a completely satanic ritual. But
what most of all exhibits them as
EXTREME traitors and extreme destroyers
of the faith is their hiding behind the
holy othodox rassa and, using
the Sacred Hymns which we offer up to
the Holy God – which |
He Himself has delivered to His Saints -
but these
here glorify satan, seducing the naive with
their mask. |
i-230716 009 A joint liturgy in Canbera, Australia, on
the 7-th of February, 1991. “The 7- th Assembly of the
World Council of Churches”. Like the liturgy in
Vancouver, Canada, this one also begins with
OPEN PAGANISM - a ritual |
invocation of the filthy spirits to come and
“bless” and “sanctify” the liturgy and all of
its participants.
fire was lit up and then from it proceeded
“purifying smoke”.
ALL who took part in the liturgy passed through
this smoke and this “purification”: also the
representatives of the Constantinopolitan
Patriarchate and of the Greek New calendar
church, and of the Moscow Patriarchate, and of
the Serbian one, and all of the participants who
name themselves “orthodox” - all of them,
entering the Tabernacle of worship, went through
that polluting “purifying” devillish smoke -
censing to the devils.
i-230716 010 The Tabernacle of Worship. |
Where is the joint liturgy performed? They made
an enormous tent, reminding of the Old-Testament
tabernacle. They called it “The Tabernacle of
There they raised a platform, similar to a theatrical
stage. |
They even put there a caricature of a “holy” communion
table. The “liturgy” will be serviced on it.
However, before this should take place, at the very
beginning there is done an invocation of the filthy
– |
Australian shamanic rituals, cries, jumpings
Here are also the ecumenists, naming themselves
“orthodox”. |
Here is their “orthodoxy”!
What connection does all this have with the Holy
Orthodoxy? |
But this mockery –
the new calendarists-ecumenists have deserved it
by themselves with their participation in the
global religion - both their clergy and laity!
It deserves to see the video as well - once is
enough for a person who is normal sane, who has
not lost his mind like them – to become
disgusted and never again come close to these
scoffers, dressed in a robe of "priests" and
"bishops"! - Because precisely in this consists
the whole religious trick and theater played:
a) they come here and participate in these
satanic rituals, and then
b) return in Bulgaria and in all countries in
which the state "church" has fallen in the
heresy of ecumenism - and there in front of the
gullible who go to their churches, they play the
role of "orthodox". Externally a
verisimilar mask
- but in
fact this
is throwing sand in the eyes and so this whole
religious community, the new-calendar "church" - both clergy and
the laity who
do not separate from them –
not for a moment has ceased to be an active part
of the global religion of the antichrist.
Exactly in
this consists
the trick planned - namely so it
is planned!
mockery! |
Of course, in extreme
impiety fall also those laity, priests and bishops who
a) on one hand reside among the Genuine Orthodox,
the heresy of ecumenism - still continue to argue that
supposedly it is still possible to give Holy Sacraments
to the ecumenists naming themselves "orthodox" -
supposedly "by oeconomy"! - and that supposedly "the
extreme" are not themselves, but supposedly extreme were
those Genuine Priests who refuse to give to ecumenists
the Sacrament of the GENUINE Body and the GENUINE Blood
of our Lord Jesus Christ, and other GENUINE Church
Sacraments (Marriage, Unction, etc.)!
What answer will give at the Fearful Judgment of the
Lord Jesus Christ those laity, priests and bishops who
formally reside among the Genuine Orthodox, but in fact
apostatize (2.Thes.2:2-3), and so pervert the Holy
- Will they be placed alongside the Saints and
Confessors of the Faith - since they subject to
persecutions and in every way embitter the lives of
those Genuine Priests of the Lord,
- Or will they be placed in one row and put to the same
doom with the heretics ecumenists persecutors of the
Church of Christ?...
be very careful, let's take careof
our Salvation SERIOUSLY!
More than
4000 participants gathered together in the “Tabernacle
of Worship”.
take part
of ALL Local churches called “orthodox”: |
18 persons - representatives of the Constantinople
Patriarchate, with the then “metropolitan” of
Chalcedonia, now “patriarch” Bartholomew at the head;
12 persons - representatives of the Greek new calendar
“church” with “metropolitan” of Neapol and Stavropol
The cassock-bearer in the upper left corner is not some
ordinary photographer. He is Christodulos himself, then
“metropolitan” of Demetriados, and later on “archbishop”
of the new calendar “church” of Greece.
The most numerous deputation - almost 40
representatives of the Moscow Patriarchate,
headed by "bishop" Smolensky Kirill (Gundyaev),
later playing the role of "patriarch" of Moscow
and All Russia. |
- Тук са също и представители на Сръбската, Българската
и други поместни „църкви”, именуващи се „православни”, с
две думи – въобще ВСИЧКИ в комплект, няма отсъстващи. |
ORTHODOX FAITH is being read!
Paradox, outrage or what?
To wit - read it ALL those who by this symbol of the
Holy Orthodox Faith are put under anathema in the
Holy Seven Ecumenical Councils - it is the symbol of
their anathema!
Really - what sort of madness can be not seen
here! |
At the head of this paradoxical reading
of auto-Anathema - the “archbishop” of
the new calendar church Stellian of
Australia, Constantinople Patriarchate.
Therefore - arch-heretic. |
The reading is carried out in English.
Along with him there is another arch-heretic:
Chrysostomus, the “metropolitan” of Mira, who
performed the “breaking of the bread” for the
ecumenical “communion” in the “lithurgy” in
Vancouver. Between them two there stays the
protestant woman-”priest” Lois - she has put
also a priest epitrachelion on herself, on her
neck - and so the masquerade is completed |
And now “metropolitan” Chrysostomus is reading “The
Lord’s Prayer”.
He is reading it in Greek and all the rest heretics are
reading this prayer - everyone in his language. Babylon
- in its most eloquent manifestation! |
Next is the liturgical kiss “Let based love one
It is of sacramental character, the ones that kiss each
other in it express that they have identity of
conviction and FULL UNITY OF FAITH. |
Christodulos, the recent “archbishop” of the ecumenists
new calendarists of all Greece, the then
“metropolitan”of Demetriados also participates in this
sacramental liturgical kiss. |
He also believes as this pagan. He came
joyfully to declare that they have FULL
Such is the “orthodoxy” of ecumenists, of new
calendarists. And now if someone of the genuine
orthodox priests or Bishops wishes to administer
Holy Communion to new calendarists - “well, by
economy!” - let him administer Holy
Communion to heretics, or pray with them, or
place them sing on the cliros: but OH HIS OWN
ACCOUNT! But are we obliged to consider him
“orthodox” - “by economy” too?... |
The serbian “priest” Milash, calling himself “orthodox”,
conducts a choir of 80 people of different heresies. |
A protestant “priestess” is reading the Gospel – |
gives authority to His Apostles (and
through them to the Bishops and the
priests): “Receive ye the Holy Ghost:
Whose soever sins ye remit, they are
remitted unto them; and whose soever
sins ye retain, they are retained.”(Jn
Dreams of priest authority,
epitrachelion and earrings - everything
together… |
So-called “orthodox” “bishops”, “priests” and laity
taking part in this liturgy, which is ministered by
Protestant female “priestesses”. |
“Holy” “coming out” from the “liturgy”. It is conducted
by the protestant female “priest” Lyois, swinging
merrily, candle-in-hand, to the rhythm of tarambouco
psalmody.... |
She is followed by protestants and... some calling
themselves “orthodox”. Among them even some having the
appearance of “spiritual elders”.
...and also the very-merry Christodulus the future
Archbishop of the new-calendarists ecumenists of all
The topic of this interreligious circus
was: “Come, Holy Spirit! Renew every
But WHAT is the spirit that descended
upon the multicoloured liturgy? -
Was it the Holy Spirit, or some other
spirit (or spirits)? |
We receive a clear answer to our
question by the unambiguous sign which
this religious leader at times shows
from the height of the platform during
his religious jumping at the end of the
liturgy of the church of the evil one... |
(On the video document,
he constantly shows this sign within minutes). |
The events we have described here very briefly, without
details, clearly show that the new calendar church of
Greece is not just a “New calendar orthodox church” but
rather a heretical church - which belongs to the WORLD
heresy of ecumenism = church of the antichrist.
Exactly the same is the case with the Moscow
Patriarchate, and with all the churches of the former
Soviet Union, notwithstanding that they are not
newcalendarist, but follow the old calendar!
The same applies also to the local churches of Serbia,
Bulgaria, Romania and to all who collaborate and pray
together, united in the same PAN-heresy of ecumenism -
the church of the evildoers
Global Religion of the antichrist.
All these “churches” which belong to the World religion
of all the heresies, have for decades now ceased to be,
cannot be orthodox!
They are heretical and moreover, of the worst heresy
throughout the history of humanity – the pan-heresy of
Such a heresy was not seen in the whole course of the
human history until nowadays.
Each separate heresy or false religion is incomparably
less dangerous than this SINGLE COMMON RELIGION uniting
in itself all the heresies and religions.
In no case may “churches” belonging to this PAN-HERESY
be called “orthodox” - because they are
sub-organizations of the church of the evildoers
Global Religion of the antichrist.
For this reason even His Eminence Metropolitan
Kallinikos of Achaia and All Peloponnesos, at a meeting
preceding the perilous visit of the Roman Pope inGreece
in 2001, said openly, inambiguously, and clearly in
front of the Orthodox Laity and of all the Hierarchs of
the Genuine Orthodox Church of Greece:
- "The
new calendar church
and all who are part of it, belong to the pan-heresy
of ecumenism. They ARE NOT orthodox! THEY
HAVE NO sacraments! THEY DO NOT HAVE the
Grace of the Holy Spirit! THEY ARE HERETICS!
All who are there have no hope of salvation
while remaining there! THEY MUST get out of
where they are in order to receive this hope!
If any of us calms them that where they are they can
be saved - this is OUR treason! And anyone
who deludes them in this way will REPLY
TOGETHER WITH THEM at the Fearful Judgement of the
Lord when they will be condemned as heretics!”
No one objected to such an open statement of this
Orthodox Hierarch of Christ! Moreover the WHOLE HALL
applauded! And there were present a lot of clerics!
ALL the hierarchs clapped hands! This obliges them
to the people and much more to God to hold also
by their deeds this very Faith,
which with such enthusiasm and openly before the people
they supported and with their applause CONFESSED!
if not - then no doubt they will hear the fearful voice
of Christ damning them: "Woe to you hypocrites!"
(Mat.15:7, Mat.16:3, Mat.22:18, Mat.23:13, Mat.23:14,
Mat.23:15, Mat.23:23, Mat.23:25, Mat.23:27, Mat.23 29,
Luke11:44, Luke12:56...)
NOTE: To great regret - thirteen (13) years later (in
2014) this hierarch forgot these words of his and,
seduced by mercenary motives and thirst for
power FELL from his hierarchical dignity (like satan
fell from Heaven) and fell in UNIA with the most evil
kind of ecumenism – the heresy of kipriyanism. This
heresy was created by the arch-heretic Cyprian (Kutsumbas)
who remained unrepentant to his very death and was
punished by God with a scary sign
to the fear of his followers (and the fallen from his
bishopry Kallinikos of Achaea) - to fear of the coming
Terrible Judgment of God which awaits them UNAVOIDABLY -
if they remain unrepentant like the unrepentant
heresiarch Cyprian.
See this video
| EN | RU | GR | BG | and think for
– Once
God Himself shows
this way that
condemned heretic –
it possible for men to “cancel” his deposition and
ANATHEMA against the heresy of kipriyanism in which
Kallinikos fell, and which ANATHEMA should be read each
year in the Rite of the Anathemas on Sunday of Orthodoxy:
Anathema Against "metropolitan" Cyprian
of Oropos and Fili
Pronounced by
the Genuine Orthodox Church
each Sunday of Orthodoxy
To the deposed Metropolitan Cyprian Koutsoumbas, “the
Exorcist,” and propagator of demonic teaching, and to
all those who follow him, who teach that those who fall
into heresy are still part of the Church of Christ, and
that their mysteries are grace-filled, and who teach
that the Church of Christ is divided into two parts -
one ailing with heresy and one healthy without heresy -
and thus maintain that the Holy Body of Christ not only
can be divided but also be infected with the disease
of falsehood, who oppose the holy Apostle Paul who says
that the holy Church is a “glorious Church, not having
spot, or wrinkle, or any such things [Eph.5:27]”, and
who commune heretics and have therefore succumbed to the
heresy of Ecumenism,
And so
- let it be known:
- The most pernicious heresy in the world is
not ecumenism!
The most pernicious heresy in the world is
kipriyanism! - because it is this same heresy of
ecumenism, but slyly presented in the form of a
"struggle against ecumenism."
I have always taught my students:
- From two equally dangerous traps - more dangerous is
this trap, which is more cleverly disguised
After all these clear and unambiguous testimonies and
evidence which we provided here - any sane person should
realize that:
- The PAN-heresy of ecumenism - this is the last heresy!
Another heresy after it there will not be - it is also
logically impossible - because all heresies without
exception are brought together in this one!
The only thing that remains - this is the coming of the
antichrist himself - and THIS is his religion!
the religion of the antichrist
as theory and ideology.
But the enactment in practice of this
religion of the antichrist, especially among those who
are only by name "orthodox" (the naming themselves
"orthodox") but essentially have nothing in common with
the Holy Orthodoxy - is performed exactly through the
heretics kipriyanites, as particularly fanatical workers
of the antichrist
That is why - I again repeat and emphasize:
- The most pernicious heresy in the world is
not ecumenism!
The most pernicious heresy in the world is
kipriyanism! - because it is this same heresy of
ecumenism, but slyly presented in the form of a
"struggle against ecumenism."
And of the different types of kipriyanism - the most
pernicious is the heresy of the Kallinikite
kipriyanism - spread until this day by Kallinikos
and his flatterers for the seduction of many men, if
possible even of the elect as the Lord foretold
the bridge
the slyest bait for the elect
through by satan in the world with the aim:
if possible, even the elect
under the form of a "struggle
against ecumenism"
- to attract them and drive EVEN THEM into the
PAN-heresy of ecumenism = in the Global "church" of the
antichrist = in the Global Religion of the antichrist =
into the Babylonian harlot
constantly and hypocritically speaks of
but in fact is drunken with the blood of the Saints - as
the Lord Himself evidences about her (Rev.17:5-6).
is the needle
that pulls behind itself its thread-tail, drags it into
the garment of curse (Psal.108:17-19) and sews it into
it for perdition and eternal torment.
For more info - go here:
As we have already stated after the restoration of Adam
to Heaven, the first commandment of God towards us is
resumed: we are allowed to taste only of Tree of Life
and never of the tree of knowing of good and evil -
for the Law of God is invariable unto ages and ages!
That is why the Law of God is renewed.
Therefore it is in no way allowed that:
1) a Christian, i.e. a man who by God’s Grace already
belongs to the Tree of Life, taste also of the tree of
knowing of good and evil - the tree, which is the church
of the evildoers itself: “I hated the church of the
evildoers and with the wicked I will not sit” (Ps.25:5)
Such a one will not save himself unless he repents
and brings forth fruits meet for his repentance
2) a servant of the Lord, i.e. a clergyman of the
Genuine orthodox Church administer Holy Communion to
people who belong to the tree of knowing of good and
evil - that is to the church of the wicked, - and are
not yet LAWFULLY joined to the Church of the Genuine
Orthodox Christians.
Every clergyman - whether Priest or High Priest -
whoever gives the Holy Mysteries - the Body of Jesus
Christ to such a person who is not yet united with the
Body of of the Lord Jesus Christ = with the Holy
Orthodox Church - such a clergyman MAKES NOT
economy, but does extreme wickedness: GUILTY is
against the Body and Blood of the Lord!!!
(1Cor.11:27) - because he does not distinguish the Body
and Blood of the Lord (1Cor.11:29)
It is even more wicked when such a priest says:
- “E, I am doing this by economy!”
This is a wickedness through which he opposes against
God Himself, this is not “economy” but an extreme
He himself is an extreme man and wicked = an enemy of
The Most-holy Mother of God Herself has revealed this in
the Life of the 26 Martyrs of the Zograph Monastery in
the Holy Mountain: “The enemies of My Son and My
personal enemies”.
For such a one there is no salvation unless he
A proof to 1) and 2):
in a like manner, there was no salvation for Adam by
economy, when he tasted of the tree of knowing of
good and evil, and because he DID NOT accept to repent -
he accepted death!
The only way is REPENTANCE and Reuniting with God,
and not at all “talking of economies”.
This is the ONLY teaching of the Holy Orthodox Church:
who should speak against what is established,
even if he were worthy of faith, even if he were
fasting, even if he wereworking signs, and even if he
were prophesying -
consider him a WOLF in sheep’s clothing,
who DOES HARM to the sheep.»
Father John Bulgarian
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